Purdue University - Studied

Computer Information Technology (CIT)


Software Support, Research, and Advancement

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At Gutwein Law, Paul's role as the IT Administrator is vital to the firm. He's in charge of all support, research, and advancement, whether that's hardware or software related. This ensures the firm not only provides the team with the most forward-thinking tools and resources available, but it also ensures our clients are getting the most effective and timely work possible.

What's Paul's favorite thing about working at Gutwein Law? He loves the fact he's able to work with each and every person in the firm (he says the cool swag, flex-time policy, and gym membership reimbursement isn't bad, either).

When Paul's not on the clock, he enjoys spending time with his wife and daughter, and walking through nature and gardening with them. He's also an avid board game player -- Carcassonne is one of his favorites. And because he can't get enough "tech-y" things, you'll find him messing with Linux, running some custom software on his router, or setting up a DNS.